Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rainbow Tie Dye Cupcakes

Since summertime is just around the corner, I thought it would be appropriate to share this fun baking activity you can do with your kids. These are also great for themed birthday parties!

STEP 1: Pick any yellow cake batter box from your local supermarket and follow the directions on the box.

Step 2: Separate the batter into different bowls adding food coloring of your choice.

STEP 3:  Now have the kids spoon different batter colors  into the cupcake tray.  Have them experiment with different color combination.

STEP 4: When all is complete, place in the oven and cook according to the directions on the box

STEP 5: Remove from oven and let cool

STEP 6:  Once cooled, frost and decorate as desired, and enjoy!

STEP 7: Enjoy!! Everyone will enjoy seeing how he colors blend when you cut through them.